Jeep Invasion Recap - Think Dunes - Silver Lake Sand Dunes

Jeep Invasion Recap

ThinkDunes|June 23rd, 2017

If you build it, they will come – and boy did they come!

Earlier this month the 2nd Annual Silver Lake Sand Dunes Jeep Invasion occurred and it was a tremendous success.

“What an exciting weekend full of Jeeps,” said Alicia Kolenda, a Jeep Invasion event organizer. “Last year we had 400 registered Jeeps and this year we ended with 923.”

Jeep owners came from far and wide to the Silver Lake Sand Dunes, including places like England and Florida. Many of the Jeep owners were first-time visitors to the Silver Lake Sand Dunes.

The event convened at the Golden Sands Golf Course & Bucket Bar on June 2nd for the start of the festivities, which included registration, vendor showings, live music and more. On June 3rd, Jeeps went on a parade through town to the dunes, then participants had their fun exploring the dunes. When the day concluded, the Jeeps descended from the dunes back to Golden Sands where the fun continued with music, food, and fireworks.

“The longest parade in Silver Lake history was made on Saturday with the Jeep Invasion traveling from Golden Sands to the Silver Lake Sand Dunes,” Kolenda said. “It was made official with the help of the Hart Fire Department and the local and county police departments.”

Additionally, an awards ceremony was held. The awards went as follows:

Best Mod: Kristy Schneider

Best Stock: Dale Friend

Stock Runner-up: Michaella Slater

Best Classic: Willy’s Wagon

Classic Runner-up: Tom Davis

People’s Choice: Mike and Trevor Wilson

Congrats to all the winners!

Missed out on all the Jeep fun? There’s always next year! Oh, and of course plenty of months left to get out there on the dunes – whether there’s an event or not!

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