Festivals & Events

Silver Lake Sand Dunes Jeep Invasion
May 29 - June 1

The Silver Lake Sand Dunes Jeep Invasion is a fun filled extended weekend when over a thousand Jeeps “Invade” the sand dunes and take part in Vendor Midway, raffles, food, music, Parade to the Dunes and much more.
Mark your calendars for 2025, Jeep Invasion starts Thursday May 29th through Sunday June 1st with events throughout.
It’s a weekend full of Trail Rides, Racing Activities, Live Music, Off-Road Exhibitors at the Performance Marketplace, Awards & Giveaways and more family fun.
Now in its 9th year, the Silver Lake Sand Dunes Jeep Invasion continues to unite Jeep vehicle owners and enthusiasts as they share their passion for their vehicles and the Jeep-centric lifestyle.
To register as a participant, visit slsdjeepinvasion.com. Also follow along on Facebook and Instagram @SLSDjeepinvasion.