Hart Rotary Club - Think Dunes - Silver Lake Sand Dunes

Hart Rotary Club

Seasons Open:
Out of Season

The Hart Rotary Club is an organization of business and professional community leaders dedicated to service, in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.  Meetings are every Wednesday at 12:15 p.m.

Hart Rotary Club meets in the Fellowship Room at the Hart United Methodist Church, 308 State Street, Hart, MI 49420.

We are neighbors, community leaders, and global citizens uniting for the common good. With you, we can accomplish even more.


Take it to Hart – Chicken Dinner

July 26, 2014

Location: Knights of Columbus, 109 Washington Street, Hart, MI 49420

11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Join us for a Chicken Dinner at the Knights of Columbus.  Cost is $10 a person.  Tickets may be purchased ahead of time by contacting a Hart or Shelby Rotary Club member.

This is a fundraiser for the Rotary Scholarship Funds benefiting Students in Oceana County.

Exchange Student International Dinner

April 24, 2014

6:00 pm

Location: Hart United Methodist Church, 308 S. State Street, Hart, MI 49420

Cost: $12 per person

RSVP: Friday, April 18

Reservations: Call Kathleen Premer at 231-873-4461 or Tammy Carey at 231-861-8335

Meet our local Exchange Students and learn about their countries, while enjoying hors d’oeuvres and dinner with friends and family.  Our Hart and Shelby Rotary Exchange Students will give a short presentation.  In addition to these presentations, other our area exchange students will have Country  Boards for you to view.  Plus find out to become more involved as a student or host family.

Juan Ortiz Carrera, the Hart Rotary Club’s Youth Exchange Student, will present in Ecuador, his home country.  Sujaree “Garfield” Pogwattanakul, the Shelby Rotary Club’s Youth Exchange Study, will present in Thailand, her home country.

This is a great opportunity to find out more about other countries and our exchange students.  Since, all local Exchange Students and their host families, plus our Exchanges Students who have traveled to other countries, will be invited to participate.

Join us and make your reservation today, space is limited.  Reservation deadline is Friday, April 18, 2014.  Call Kathleen Premer at 231-873-4461 or Tammy Carey at 231-861-8335 to reserve your spot.

For more details on the Rotary Youth Exchange Program visit: https://www.rotary.org/en/youth-exchanges.  To become more involved, contact your local Hart Rotary Club at 231-873-4461(www.HartRotary.org) or Shelby Rotary Club at 231-861-8335.  Or visit www.Rotary.org

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