Hart Public Schools - Think Dunes - Silver Lake Sand Dunes

Hart Public Schools

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Welcome to Hart Public Schools

Hart Public Schools is a district that serves over 1,200 students in four schools located on an attractive single campus:  The Early Childhood Center houses Head Start, Great Start Readiness Program, Lil` Pirates Daycare, and the Central Office facilities; Spitler Elementary housing grades K-4; Hart Middle School housing grades 5-8 as well as the district auditorium; and Hart High School housing grades 9-12.  All of the Hart schools have made AYP.

Hart Bond Election 2015 – May 5th

The district takes great pride in its staff and students.  Among the many accomplishments, the following stand out:

•Rising test scores

•Strong curriculum initiatives including established benchmarks, common assessments, curriculum maps, and professional learning communities

•An excellent and effective program for English Language Learners (ELL)

• Cutting-edge technology including computer labs, telephone and internal communication devices, Smart Boards, Elmo capabilities, and Power School Parent Portal.

•A strong performing arts program for the school and community.  Click here for more details.

•New and renovated facilities on a single campus

•An excellent and caring teaching staff that understands and appreciates the students and the community

•An effective administrative team

We invite our parents and community members to be involved in our schools. We value and welcome your input. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Barbara Gowell, Interim Superintendent – 231-873-6214

Hart High School

300 W. Johnson Street

Hart, MI. 49420

Phone: (231)-873-5691

Fax: (231)-873-0586

Hart Middle School

308 W. Johnson Street

Hart, MI. 49420

Phone: (231)-873-6320

Fax: (231)-873-0245

Spitler Elementary

302 W. Johnson Street

Hart, MI. 49420

Phone: (231)-873-6340

Fax: (231)-873-7042

Diman-Wolf Early Childhood Center

306 W. Johnson Street

Hart, MI. 49420

Phone: (231)-873-6330

Fax: (231)-873-5162

District Central Office

301 W. Johnson Street

Hart, MI. 49420

Phone: (231)-873-6214

Fax: (231)-873-6244 or 6286


304 W. Johnson Street

Hart, MI. 49420

Phone: (231)-873-6300

Fax: (231)-873-3866


Judee Wilson, President – [email protected]

Ed Summers, Vice President – [email protected]

Linda Shepich, Treasurer – [email protected]

Randy Nesbit, Secretary – [email protected]

Dwight Fuehring, Trustee – [email protected]

Jeff Gebhart, Trustee – [email protected]

Rick Wadel, Trustee – [email protected]

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