Coldwell Banker Anchor Real Estate - Think Dunes - Silver Lake Sand Dunes

Coldwell Banker Anchor Real Estate

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#1 in Oceana Year after Year!

Coldwell Banker Anchor Real Estate has been servicing Oceana County since 1986, concentrating on your needs. Our beautiful area features many lakes, rivers, and woods along with its miles of Lake Michigan frontage, Pentwater Lake, and the Silver Lake Sand Dunes. We are more than qualified to help with the purchase or sale of your most important investment.

  • Locally Owned, Locally Operated. We pride ourselves on supporting the community by giving as much back as we receive.
  • Our experienced agents are ready to make sure your investment is handled with honesty, integrity, and professionalism.
  • Selling Oceana County’s homes, recreational properties, lakeside cottages, and business investments since 1986 with more experience than any other Oceana County-owned Brokerage!
  • Visit our Hart office at 907 S. State Street or call 231-873-3400 (always here to help you)
  • Visit our Pentwater office at 279 S. Hancock Street or call 231-869-5055 (seasonal)
  • Or view our listings at our Silver Lake kiosk, next to the Parkside Store, or call 231-873-2580. Anchoring our community one home at a time. 


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